The Best Goat Gestation Calculator
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What is the goat gestation period? Did you know that Boer goat gestation period differs from Nigerian dwarf gestation? To use this goat gestation calculator, select from miniature or full-sized goats then enter the exposure date.
Gestation Calculator (print)

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Once you know your goat’s due date, here are some valuable stories to help you through goat gestation, kidding season, and beyond.
Can you recognize pregnant goat behavior? Here are ten signs that your goat is pregnant.
How long are goats pregnant and how can you be ready?
The Doe Code means that, if your goat can make it more difficult for you, she will.
Catch the first signs of active labor in goats by reading this story.
The Kidding Kit: be ready for goat delivery.
Feeding baby goats: how to care for rejected kids.
Is the weather sub-optimal? Here’s a story about raising baby goats in cold weather.
PLUS, here’s a one-page resource for goat labor signs:
This coming kidding season will be my 2nd. My first was last year… Kids being born on 2/22/21 & 2/23/21. Backyard Goats is my “Go To” for all things goat. Last year, however, I didn’t see the need to know an exact breeding date, so I only had a guess on a kidding date. Thankfully, there were no issues with delivery. Unfortunately, we didn’t expect both does to kid within 24 hours of each other. So they were in the same stall in the barn together when Buttons, the second mama, delivered and Snowflake, the herd queen, actually stole her babies, and Buttons refused to tend to her babies. So I got a first hand look at the differences between bottle babies and dam raised babies.
Thank you for sharing all your goat knowledge. Backyard Goats will always be my choice for any information Goat related!!