Goat Glam – Summer 2024

Goat Glam – Summer 2024

Goat Glam will feature two goats for assessment each Time. We’ll discuss each doe’s good traits, what could be better, and what to look for in a buck to improve her kids.

First Doe – 6-year-old Nubian, Fourth-Freshener

Presented by Michaela Fischer

Firstly, this doe is very flashy in color. It doesn’t add or detract from her confirmation, but she is pretty. I’m judging this doe from one picture, but I love her breed character. She has a nice Roman nose and appears to have adequately long ears. I wish she had a little more dairy strength, though. As a 6-yearold fourth-freshener, I’d expect her to be deeper in the rear barrel with a more wedge-like shape. I’d also like her to be a little more open in the ribs.

I will say this doe has a wonderful top line and rump. She appears to have nice feet and pasterns as well. If I had to “fix” this doe, I’d want more capacity in her udder, more rear udder extension to be viewed from the side, and a longer fore udder, as she appears short in the fore.

She’s certainly a nice doe to have in your herd. Breed her to a buck with adequate udders behind him and general appearance, and you’ll be on to something.

Second Doe – Yearling Alpine, Dry

Presented by Emersyn Jordan

Next, we have a French Alpine doe pictured as a dry yearling (a 1-year-old doe who hasn’t had kids). As I opened this file and looked at this doe, the first thing I said to myself was, “Very nice.” I like this French Alpine doe, and if I had Alpines, I wouldn’t mind her being in my herd.

This doe is upstanding, mature for her age, and has the depth you’d want to see. She’s standing on good feet and legs. Too often, you see French Alpines with straight or posty rear legs, but not this doe. If I had to pick on this doe’s legs, I’d say she could be a touch longer in her cannon bones (kind of like the femur of the front leg).

I love this doe’s balance, beautiful top line, and lovely rump. If she freshens with a nice udder, look out! She’s going to be a competitive one.

Want your goats in Goat Glam?

    Send in your photos for a chance to have Jon Kain, dairy goat showman and co-host of The Ringside dairy goat podcast, assess where your goat shines and where to strengthen her kids! email: goatjournal@gmail.com

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