A Delicious Cooked, Non-alcoholic Eggnog Recipe

Make Amazing Homemade Eggnog All Yearlong

A Delicious Cooked, Non-alcoholic Eggnog Recipe

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Fans of eggnog cheer when they see it decorating the dairy case during the last few months of the year. But after December it disappears again. Though we love the smooth, custardy sweetness, we may hate the additives listed on the back panel of the carton. But you can enjoy this treat year-round by following an easy non-alcoholic eggnog recipe. (Alcohol is optional at the end.)

First, gather your ingredients.

Depending on your state, you may be able to purchase fresh, raw milk and cream. Or you own dairy animals. Perhaps you’re consigned to purchase milk and cream at the supermarket, but don’t let that disappoint you. The store-bought stuff still makes amazing eggnog. The “milk” portion of this recipe can be anything from skim to whole milk, but real cream is necessary to carry the flavor.

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Now you need eggs for this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe. This is the primary focus of eggnog and amazing custards. If you know your egg facts, then you know the digestible protein in cooked eggs is higher than that of raw eggs. Farmers keeping their own chickens don’t have to worry as much about salmonella, but it can still be a danger. Gently heating the eggnog past 160 degrees avoids that worry. Before starting this recipe, either gather fresh eggs from the coop or let refrigerated eggs stand on the counter just long enough to come to room temperature. This allows the eggs to temper better when they meet the hot milk.

nog eggs in box

Third, you need sugar. Simple white sugar creates a pure and clean flavor. But if you want a distinct hint of caramel in your eggnog, replace some or all of the sugar with brown sugar, piloncillo, or date palm jaggery. But have a conservative hand here; if you use too much brown or natural sugar, the deep flavors might overpower the delicate vanilla.

And speaking of vanilla, have you learned how to make homemade vanilla extract? I highly recommend it. The ingredients are pure and the flavor is amazing, both traits that we also want for our non-alcoholic eggnog recipe. You can also use one or two vanilla beans, unlocking the flavor by steeping the pods and seeds for a half hour in hot cream before using the cream to continue on with the recipe.

Last of all … nutmeg. It may be difficult to find whole nutmeg outside specialty shops and international stores. It’s brown, hard, and round like a fruit stone. If you can find it, grab it up and grind it fresh using a fine-toothed rasp grater. Even if you don’t have access to the whole spice you can find flavorful, high-quality nutmeg in your local supermarket.


Honorable mention: rum extract. This puts the “non-alcoholic” in “non-alcoholic eggnog recipe.” Using a little rum extract gives the eggnog warm, buttery notes without inebriating your children. If you desire a more adult beverage, add a few ounces of real rum or bourbon.

Eggnog Recipe

Cooked, Nonalcoholic Eggnog Recipe

  • 1 dozen large egg yolks
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 4 cups milk
  • 2 teaspoons freshly grated nutmeg
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon homemade vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon rum extract (optional)

In a medium bowl or in the bowl to a stand mixer, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until they become a thick, light yellow. Let stand while you heat the milk.

Combine the milk, cream, nutmeg, and salt in a large saucepan. Heat on medium-low, stirring often, until the mixture barely reaches a simmer.

Now carry the saucepan over to your egg yolks and start your mixer. (Or whisk vigorously by hand as you scoop.) Start with ½ cup of the hot milk, slowly adding it to the eggs while whisking constantly to avoid clumps of cooked egg. Add another ½ cup, continuing to whisk so you slowly temper the eggs to the correct temperature. Keep adding the milk in the same manner until it has all been added to the eggs.

Pour the tempered milk/egg mixture back into the saucepan and continue heating on medium-low, stirring constantly, until the mixture reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit on a cooking thermometer. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and rum extracts.


You can be finished at this point, but if you love a truly smooth drink, filter it through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any small clumps of egg or spice. Now pour into a heat-proof container and stretch plastic wrap over the rim, pressing the plastic against the eggnog to prevent a skin from forming as the mixture cools.

Serve chilled.

Now that you’ve made your amazing homemade, non-alcoholic eggnog recipe, what are you going to do with it? Drink it, of course. But you can also use it as coffee “creamer” for an eggnog latte. Try it as the milk/cream base for a chai tea, adding warm vanilla tones to an already sweet and addictive drink. Or cool the mixture at least 24 hours before pouring it into the bowl of an ice cream maker. There’s no need to alter the recipe to make eggnog ice cream; the fat and sugar balances are already perfect.

Indulgent Variations for this non-alcoholic eggnog recipe:

To make homemade eggnog even more of a treat, try one of these indulgent variations.

Goat Milk EggnogReplace whole milk with whole goat milk for a distinctive tang.Allergic to cow’s milk or want a lower-fat recipe? Replace all milk and cream with goat milk.
Duck Egg-NogReplace all yolks with eight to 12 duck egg yolks, depending on duck egg size.Some people with chicken egg allergies can eat duck eggs. Either way, the yolks make a richer, creamier finished eggnog.
Vanilla Bean NogSlice one to two vanilla beans lengthwise, scraping out seeds, and steeping seeds and pod 30 minutes in hot cream. Proceed with recipe.This replaces vanilla extract and any extract ingredients which may be questionable or unacceptable.
Honey NogReplace sugar with honey.If you have chickens, bees, and dairy animals, your egg nog can be almost completely homestead-grown. (Except for the spices.)
Pumpkin Spice NogAdd a tablespoon of pumpkin puree and a dash of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.Use canned puree or roasted, strained winter squash (not Jack-o-lantern pumpkins) so you don’t water down the recipe.
Chocolate NogReplace nutmeg with a tablespoon or two of cocoa powder.This creates a thick and very rich “hot” cocoa drink.
Dairy-Free NogSwitch milk and cream out for coconut or almond milk.If using almond milk, reduce added sugar.

Have you tried this cooked, nonalcoholic eggnog recipe? Please let us know how you liked it.

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