This fast-approaching holiday season has everyone scrambling to find some tasty, quality candy recipes. Have you tried making goat milk caramel?
Read MoreAs with humans, ample planning is needed prior to a goat delivery. And in a perfect world, this exciting time would go by without a hitch, and usually does go well, but sometimes goes wrong in every conceivable way.
Read MoreMost goat vaccination schedules and care revolve around pregnancy, so this calendar does as well. It will help keep you on track when things get hectic.
Read MoreCall it procreation, replication, or proliferation; goats do it too and they do it well. It’s goat breeding season.
Read MoreLooking beyond the meat, Boer goats are snack hogs known for giving slobbery, whiskery goat kisses, and getting into mischief.
Read MoreZoonotic diseases are infections that can be passed on from an animal to a human. And while the human is pregnant, she has more to lose should she get sick.
Read MoreYou don’t have to own goats to introduce children to the “goat life.” Youth and volunteer programs give access to farm life even if you reside in the city.
Read MorePatent urachus is a syndrome that occurs when this opening does not seal off correctly and urine leaks through the umbilical cord.
Read MoreDo female goats have horns? And does all goat milk taste bad? The more educated people become about the myths and truths of goats, the more we can all love these animals and their antics.
Read MoreI posted on Instagram about this glorious goat milk fudge and contacted Kristin to openly beg for a recipe and request an interview.
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