Caring hearts and a shared passion for both modern goat farming and sustainability of the land commonly join souls in the same region — or across continents.
Read MoreKatherine Drovdahl answers reader questions about dehorning goats past the age of disbudding, what to do if your doe has a hard udder, and first-aid items to carry for your pack goats!
Read MoreMany people overlook goat milk as a source of nutrition. But it isn’t for everyone. Though it has benefits, there are also disadvantages of goat milk.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites When making goat cheese, you end up with most of the protein in curd and lactose in the whey, but we can get a bit more specific …
Read MoreIs the milk expiration date really a cut-off where you can no longer safely drink the milk? Is it guaranteed to stay good until that date?
Read MoreMany dairy goat owners quickly learn how to make cheese curds and turn goat milk into soft cheese, but hard cheeses can be intimidating. Recipes may look daunting because they are longer and more involved, and your equipment needs will increase.
Read MoreIf you’re raising goats for milk, it pays to build your own goat milking machine.
Read MoreKat Drovdahl answers your questions about runny goat noses, kids with diarrhea, leaking does, milk production drops and whether you should let your goat eat frozen clover.
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