Four goats passed the class with flying colors and proved to the world they could make it as a goat caddy.
Read MoreThe surefooted abilities of these pack goat breeds and their friendly natures are just a couple reasons they are gaining in popularity.
Read MoreThe Oberhasli goat is a Swiss dairy breed with sweet milk and friendly nature. Wethers are bold and make excellent pack goats.
Read MoreFor most goat people, the benefits of owning a goat far outweigh the hard work and high learning curve. Yes, they can be destructive little escape artists, but they can also give you these 10 life-enhancing benefits.
Read MoreAdd to Favorites I pulled into the 2018 North American Pack Goat Association (NAPgA) Rendezvous nervous and unsure of what to expect. My nervousness lasted about 10 minutes and by …
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