Learning how to draw blood from a goat is a valuable skill anyone breeding goats should master. Here’s how.
Read MoreGoats don’t come out of the chute knowing how to get up onto a goat milking stand, let alone how to stand still on one while you’re milking those sensitive goat teats!
Read MoreIf you’re raising goats for milk, it pays to build your own goat milking machine.
Read MoreSo what do you do if your arms hurt too much to milk your goats? And how can a goat milking machine help?
Read MoreWith progress in production and husbandry systems in mind, researchers design goat games and study such behavior in domestic goats. Foraging styles, social strategies, stress responses, the human–animal relationship, and the effects of different systems have all come under the empirical microscope.
Read MoreGoats are learning all the time and can be trained using positive reinforcement techniques, making life more fun and harmonious for you and your goats.
Read MoreKnowing how to milk a goat is not quite as simple as it sounds! While nearly anyone can squeeze milk out of teat, milking goats the right way protects the udder and that milk that you work so hard to produce!
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